
Statistical Learning scripts in R

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Statistical Learning in R

1.1_Examples_ESL.htm … Examples mentioned in chapter 1 of ESL

1.2_SimulationStudy.htm … kNN vs Linear Regression

2.1_Linear_Reg.htm … Linear Regression with Boston Housing Data

3.1_Diabetes_Data_with_Lasso.htm … Diabetes Data with Lasso

3.2_Ridge_Lasso.htm … Ridge and Lasso using glmnet

3.3_Variable_Selection_Toy.htm … Examples of Variable Selection

3.4_Variable_Selection.htm … Variable Selection with Bostion Housing Data

4.1_Ensemble_Trees_for_Regression.htm … Ensemble Trees for Regression

4.2_GBM_for_Regression.htm … GBM for Regression

4.3_Regression_Tree.htm … Regression Trees with rpart

5.1_Local_Regression.htm … Local Regression with faraway

5.2_Polynomial_Regression.htm … Polynomial Regression with ISLR

5.3_Regression_Splines.htm … Regression_Splines with birthweight data

5.4_Smoothing_Splines.htm … Smoothing_Splines with splines

6.1_Clustering.htm … Multidimensional scaling and clustering

7.1_MixtureModel_Clustering.htm … Model-based Clustering

7.2_LDA.htm … Text Mining with JSS Abstracts

7.3_HMM.htm … Hidden Markov Models

9.1_QDA_LDA_FDA.htm … QDA, LDA, and FDA

9.2_NaiveBayes_klaR_Predict.htm … Naive Bayes in klaR

10.1_Logistic_Regression.htm … Logistic Regression

10.2_Logistic_Regression_Splines.htm … Logistic Regression with Splines

12.1_Boosting.htm … Boosting