Load packages and read the help file.

options(digits = 4)

A Simulated Example (ESL, chap 5.5.2)

n = 30 
err = 1
x = sort(runif(n))
y = sin(12*(x+0.2))/(x+0.2) + rnorm(n, 0, err);
plot(x, y, col="red");

fx = 1:50/50;
fy = sin(12*(fx+0.2))/(fx+0.2)
lines(fx, fy, col=8, lwd=2);

Fit a smoothing spline model

Fit smoothing spline models with various dfs.

par(mfrow=c(2,2));      # 2x2 (totally 4) subplots
plot(x,y, xlab='x', ylab='y');
lines(fx, fy, col=8, lwd=1.5);
lines(predict(smooth.spline(x, y, df=5),fx),  lty=2, col='blue', lwd=1.5);

plot(x,y,xlab='x', ylab='y');
lines(fx, fy, col=8, lwd=1.5);
lines(predict(smooth.spline(x, y, df=9),fx),  lty=2, col='blue', lwd=1.5);

plot(x,y,xlab='x', ylab='y');
lines(fx, fy, col=8, lwd=1.5);
lines(predict(smooth.spline(x, y, df=15),fx),  lty=2, col='blue', lwd=1.5);

plot(x,y,xlab='x', ylab='y');
lines(fx, fy, col=8, lwd=1.5);
lines(predict(smooth.spline(x, y, df=20),fx),  lty=2, col='blue', lwd=1.5);

Demmler & Reinsch Basis

Here is how we obtain the DR basis: we first obtain the smoother matrix S (which is not returned y R, so we write our own script to compute it), and then the eigen-vectors of S are basically the DR basis functions.

smooth.matrix = function(x, df){
# return the smoother matrix with knots x and degree of freedom = df
# this function is for x having unique values
 n = length(x);
 A = matrix(0, n, n);
 for(i in 1:n){
       y = rep(0, n); y[i]=1;
       yi = smooth.spline(x, y, df=df)$y;
       A[,i]= yi;
fx = 1:50/50
S4 = smooth.matrix(fx, df=4);
S9 = smooth.matrix(fx, df=9);
tmp = ns(fx, df=9, intercept=TRUE)
H9 = tmp%*%solve(t(tmp)%*%tmp)%*%t(tmp);

Obtain the eigen value and eigen vector of the smoother/projection matrices. The eigen vectors of S4 and S9 should be the same, up to a sign flip.

eigen.S4 = eigen(S4);
eigen.S9 = eigen(S9);
eigen.H9 = eigen(H9);

v4 = eigen.S4$ve;
v9=  eigen.S9$ve;

for(i in 1:15) {
  plot(c(min(x), max(x)),c(min(v4, v9), max(v4, v9)), xlab="x", ylab="", 
  lines(fx, v4[,i], col=2,lty=1, lwd=2.5);
  lines(fx, v9[,i], col=3, lty=2, lwd=2.5);}

Plot the eigen values: Note the first two eigen values are always 1.

plot(eigen.H9$va, pch=5, col="black", cex=1);
points(eigen.S4$va, , col="red", xlab='', ylab='eigen values',
points(eigen.S9$va, pch=4, col="blue", cex=1);
lines(c(0,n), c(1, 1), col=8, lty=2, lwd=1);
legend("topright", pch=c(1,4,5), col=c("red", "blue", "black"),
       legend=c("SS with df=4", "SS with df=9", "NCS with df=9"))

Check for the effective degree of freedom



fit = smooth.spline(x, y, df=9);
## [1] 9.001
## [1] 9.001
fit$lev  # leveage = diagnal entries of the smoother matrix
##  [1] 0.6581 0.3137 0.3221 0.4614 0.3480 0.2841 0.2181 0.2015 0.2013 0.1751
## [11] 0.1577 0.1586 0.1677 0.2112 0.3414 0.4063 0.3235 0.3112 0.2451 0.2074
## [21] 0.2058 0.2106 0.2851 0.4525 0.3706 0.2619 0.2552 0.2972 0.4139 0.5343
diag(smooth.matrix(x, df =9))
##  [1] 0.6581 0.3137 0.3221 0.4614 0.3480 0.2841 0.2181 0.2015 0.2013 0.1751
## [11] 0.1577 0.1586 0.1677 0.2112 0.3414 0.4063 0.3235 0.3112 0.2451 0.2074
## [21] 0.2058 0.2106 0.2851 0.4525 0.3706 0.2619 0.2552 0.2972 0.4139 0.5343
fit$cv  # default: GCV
## [1] 1.043
## [1] 1.043
fit=smooth.spline(x, y, df=9, cv=T) # set 'cv=T' to return CV 
## [1] 1.147
## [1] 1.147

Use LOO-CV and GCV to select df.

Note that same as Ridge regression, smoothing splines could have fractional dfs.

df = 2+(1:40)/2
m = length(df)
mycv = rep(0,m)
mygcv = rep(0,m)
for (i in 1:m){
    fit = smooth.spline(x, y, df=df[i]);
    mygcv[i] = fit$cv;
    fit = smooth.spline(x, y, df=df[i], cv=T);
    mycv[i] = fit$cv

plot(c(1,20), range(mycv, mygcv)+c(-0.5,0.5), xlab='df', 
     ylab='CV scores', type='n')
points(df, mycv, col="red", cex=2);
points(df, mygcv, col="blue", cex=2);

optdf = df[mygcv==min(mygcv)]
## [1] 8.5
fitopt = smooth.spline(x, y, df=optdf);
plot(x, y, xlab="x", ylab="y")
lines(predict(fitopt, (1:100)/100),col="red", lwd=2)
lines(fx, fy, col="gray", lwd=2)